Activity Stream

  • Extroverted Developer #5 – Rachel Appel

    This week we talk with Microsoft’s Rachel Appel, a developer evangelist for web technologies. An area where Microsoft has arguably had some challenges attracting developers to their stack.

    Show Notes

    What is an evangelist?
    ASP Class vs WebForms vs ASP MVC
    Do Evangelists still get to code?
    Silk Project, a model application for learning how to do ASP MVC.
    Please make deployment better for ASP MVC
    Deploying with TFS vs Git
    Hosted TFS in the cloud
    Give Camp
    Startups and Microsoft technologies
    Issues with using OpenID
    Attracting web developers to the Microsoft Stack via cloud
    Get free Visual Studio Professional: Website Spark, BizSpark, DreamSpark
    Are software developers putting outselves out of work?
    Will software developers be replaced before house builders?
    Writing software is essentially like translating from english, and thus we’re getting very close to being able to talk with your computer and having it translate into C. With Google Translate/Voice Commands and Siri
    Why aren’t OSS devs just writing their own pay apps?
    Speaking of science fiction: Which augmentation are you going to get?
    Hilarious:Reverse Craigslist Troll
    How did you get into programming? (a: video games)
    Code Camp People: Y U NO START LATER IN DAY?
    Bacon Roses

    Shameless Name Drops



  • Extroverted Developer #4 – Megan Isaak

    This week we explore the world of graphics and web design with CityMaps own Megan Isaak. It’s late this week because we had some more audio issues during the recording and it took extra time to get it into its current state :-/

    Show Notes

    • We talk about the differences between graphics designers and web designers
    • Career path for todays designers
    • Working with designers and developers, what’s the ideal process?
    • Where can I code?  A Wiki map I setup in response to a NYC ruby mailing list asking this question.

    Pro Tips

    • Megan: Have good passwords
    • Megan: Google Webmaster Tools
    • Jim: Google Docs
    • Ben: Pentotype



  • Extroverted Developer #3 – Jared Parsons

    On this week’s episode Ben and I talk with Jared Parsons, a lead developer at Microsoft working in Developer Tools division (Visual Studio). Author of the very popular (and free) VsVim extension for Visual Studio 2010 and #10 on Stack Overflow in total rep.

    Show Notes

    JavaScript: The Good Parts

    Shameless name drops

    Pro Tips

    • Jared: git stash (as mentioned on hearding code #132)
    • Jim: Visual Studio Multi-targeting
    • Ben: f.lux



  • Extroverted Developer #2

    On today’s show we discussion SOPA/PIPA protests in NYC, as well as Jenn Day joins us as a special guest with the business side (marketing) perspective on programmers and startups

    Show Notes




  • NY Tech Meetup: SOPA/PIPA Protest Edition

    Today while internet websites were going black, I attended the NY Tech Meetup emergency session located on the streets of New York.  Right outside of Senator Schumer’s office!

    It was a fantastic turn out, and really great to see everyone rallying behind a common cause.  I don’t have any audio, because it turns out geeks are kinda quiet and shy.  Go figure.

    I do have to say that Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian was incredibly well spoken and nice to all his geeky fans.

  • Episode #1

    This is the first episode of a new series Tech and the City Extroverted Developer hosted by Jim Wallace and Ben Gundersen.

    Being that this is the first podcast I’ve ever recorded and produced, there’s probably audio issues, additional ums and ahs that I didn’t edit out correctly and other issues with the quality in general.   Hope to fix these as we gain more experience in this medium.

    Show Notes:


  • HelloWorld

    I’ve wanted to do a podcast since the term was coined, but I’ve never managed to find someone else who was willing to co-host with me or I was never able to narrow in on a topic that had enough content and I was very passionate about.  But that has all changed.

    Extroverted Developer #1 – Hello World