NY Tech Meetup: SOPA/PIPA Protest Edition

Today while internet websites were going black, I attended the NY Tech Meetup emergency session located on the streets of New York.  Right outside of Senator Schumer’s office!

It was a fantastic turn out, and really great to see everyone rallying behind a common cause.  I don’t have any audio, because it turns out geeks are kinda quiet and shy.  Go figure.

I do have to say that Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian was incredibly well spoken and nice to all his geeky fans.


One response to “NY Tech Meetup: SOPA/PIPA Protest Edition”

  1. Kiersten Gurry Avatar
    Kiersten Gurry

    So happy to see all these people going out to support stopping the SOPA and PIPA. Keep up the fight!
    Kiersten Gurry
    First Impression Security Doors