Git p4 alias on Windows

Because this information is apparently not available anywhere on the internet I’m going to write it here:

git config —global alias.p4 !‘“C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\”’

Please note that it’s single quote, then double quote, and closes double quote, single quote

Or inside your .gitconfig this is what it should look like:


p4 = !’C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\’

This is with git 1.7.10.msysgit.1, on Windows 7 x64. YMMV on other configurations.

Extroverted Developer #4 – Megan Isaak

This week we explore the world of graphics and web design with CityMaps own Megan Isaak. It’s late this week because we had some more audio issues during the recording and it took extra time to get it into its current state :-/

Show Notes

  • We talk about the differences between graphics designers and web designers
  • Career path for todays designers
  • Working with designers and developers, what’s the ideal process?
  • Where can I code?  A Wiki map I setup in response to a NYC ruby mailing list asking this question.

Pro Tips

  • Megan: Have good passwords
  • Megan: Google Webmaster Tools
  • Jim: Google Docs
  • Ben: Pentotype




I’ve wanted to do a podcast since the term was coined, but I’ve never managed to find someone else who was willing to co-host with me or I was never able to narrow in on a topic that had enough content and I was very passionate about.  But that has all changed.

Extroverted Developer #1 – Hello World