Extroverted Developer #3 – Jared Parsons

On this week’s episode Ben and I talk with Jared Parsons, a lead developer at Microsoft working in Developer Tools division (Visual Studio). Author of the very popular (and free) VsVim extension for Visual Studio 2010 and #10 on Stack Overflow in total rep.

Show Notes

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Shameless name drops

Pro Tips

  • Jared: git stash (as mentioned on hearding code #132)
  • Jim: Visual Studio Multi-targeting
  • Ben: f.lux




2 responses to “Extroverted Developer #3 – Jared Parsons”

  1. Andrew Robinson Avatar

    Great podcast, this episode was really well done, keep up the good work. I'm subscribed and looking forward to future updates!

  2. svaha Avatar

    Great podcast! Really enjoyed it and looking forward to more.