Month: February 2012

  • Extroverted Developer #7 – Sean Cribbs

    This week Ben and I talk with Basho developer Sean Cribbs about NoSQL and how they write software.

    Show Notes

    • Riak
    • Amazon’s Dynamo Paper
    • Riak is really good for cloud storage
    • LAMP pretty much scales horizontally vs Microsoft’s big iron approach
    • Voxer is probably the biggest deployment of Riak
    • How do you work effectively remotely?
    • Chatrooms:Hipchat, Campfire and Hubot
    • Agile Zen for ensuring you have a pull based workflow
    • Differences in culture re: work hours between west and east coast
    • Distributed version control workflow
    • Sean’s Coder Wall
    • Common pitfalls when moving from SVN to git
    • GitHub: Code comments start to matter more when they’re public 🙂
    • GitHub Flow
    • How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub
    • conflict between Open Source vs Proprietary features
    • How do you do Continuous Integration with GitHub?

    Pro Tips

    • Sean: git submodules, or How to use github to API documentation
    • Ben: Dropbox feature: Packrat and Events feed



  • Extroverted Developer #6

    This week it’s just Ben and I riffing in the new CityMaps HQ with our new recording equipment.

    Show Notes

    Then Ben and I kind of just BS for a while ‘cause it’s fun 🙂

    Shameless Name Drops



  • Extroverted Developer #5 – Rachel Appel

    This week we talk with Microsoft’s Rachel Appel, a developer evangelist for web technologies. An area where Microsoft has arguably had some challenges attracting developers to their stack.

    Show Notes

    What is an evangelist?
    ASP Class vs WebForms vs ASP MVC
    Do Evangelists still get to code?
    Silk Project, a model application for learning how to do ASP MVC.
    Please make deployment better for ASP MVC
    Deploying with TFS vs Git
    Hosted TFS in the cloud
    Give Camp
    Startups and Microsoft technologies
    Issues with using OpenID
    Attracting web developers to the Microsoft Stack via cloud
    Get free Visual Studio Professional: Website Spark, BizSpark, DreamSpark
    Are software developers putting outselves out of work?
    Will software developers be replaced before house builders?
    Writing software is essentially like translating from english, and thus we’re getting very close to being able to talk with your computer and having it translate into C. With Google Translate/Voice Commands and Siri
    Why aren’t OSS devs just writing their own pay apps?
    Speaking of science fiction: Which augmentation are you going to get?
    Hilarious:Reverse Craigslist Troll
    How did you get into programming? (a: video games)
    Code Camp People: Y U NO START LATER IN DAY?
    Bacon Roses

    Shameless Name Drops



  • Extroverted Developer #4 – Megan Isaak

    This week we explore the world of graphics and web design with CityMaps own Megan Isaak. It’s late this week because we had some more audio issues during the recording and it took extra time to get it into its current state :-/

    Show Notes

    • We talk about the differences between graphics designers and web designers
    • Career path for todays designers
    • Working with designers and developers, what’s the ideal process?
    • Where can I code?  A Wiki map I setup in response to a NYC ruby mailing list asking this question.

    Pro Tips

    • Megan: Have good passwords
    • Megan: Google Webmaster Tools
    • Jim: Google Docs
    • Ben: Pentotype

